Alice Platt

Alice Platt

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Tips To Staying Happy

Life is sometimes great and sometimes not so great, so today i thought i would do something for you who view my blog and give you some tips into being happy. And yes of course some things happen to people which are sad, and life can be difficult for some people, people will come and in and out of your life, and bad things will happen but it will get better. It's important to be positive and try to cope with it, with all the support from friends and family, it is not impossible! I know its hard and easier said then done, but trust me it works! Its also important that you keep the attitude that things will better and this pain or suffering isn't going to be all the time!

When your life gets turned upside down due to whatever reason. you lose that motivation to do anything, because everything seems worthless, and no one can tell you any different because that's the frame of mind that's is permanently there. What i would say when your going to through this frame of mind, don't give up because there are friends and family who love and care about you, and there will be light at the end of tunnel!

If you stick tho these tips it should get better, and whoever is going through this at the moment! It will get better! I promise!

Tip 1: Listen to your favorite song, that brings back good memories

Tip 2: Keep on talking to your friends and family, Do something you enjoy with them, if thats going shopping, or just hanging out.

Tip 3: Treat yourself! When you are feeling down, this can be a really good pick me up and everyone needs to treat themselves now and again!

Tip 4: Pamper yourself, a bath with LOADS of bubbles can be perfect way of relaxing and gathering your thoughts by having some 'me' time

Tip 5: Get your friends rounnd buy all your favorite food, and have a movie night! Or on your own what ever you feel like!

~Hope this has helped<3~

There will be more beauty posts this week!

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